Winterlewd 2025
Montreal's vibrant queer comedy scene is bursting forth from the winter doldrums with the second annual Winterlewd festival. Building on the success of its inaugural year, Winterlewd 2025 expands its reach with a focus on inclusivity, collaboration, and showcasing the diverse talents within the LGBTQ+ community.
Feature Friday - Tara McGowan-Ross
Tara McGowan-Ross is an urban L'nu multidisciplinary artist and writer. Her work has been featured in print and online, and anthologized in Best Canadian Poetry and Poesie actuelle de les femmes au Québec 2000-2020.
McSweeney’s List (26 February 2025)
“People like personal stories. It's time to talk about your comedy journey,” Andrew said; and he said it so confidently -- comedy journey -- like I'm really doing something, going somewhere.
Nuit Blanche 2025
Montreal’s Nuit Blanche has been a part of our city winters for over 20 years. It was established on the heels of its Parisian predecessor in 2003 as a vital part of Montreal en Lumière.
Feature Friday - Adrienne Roy
Adrienne Roy is a stand-up and sketch comedian who you may know from their performances at Montreal Sketchfest, Ladyfest, and Le Basement Comedy Festival. They are a co-producer for The Poly Mic and Corporate Circus Productions and the host of Queer Ears.
McSweeney’s List (19 February 2025)
“Comparison is the thief of joy.” That’s a quote from Theodore Roosevelt (father of teddy bears, but that's another story). It's a cliché for the good reason that it's timelessly true, but even if we all know the words, we fall victim to this brain glitch.
The Cost of Living at Aux Angles Ronds
I like cheeky theater. I think we can use a little more of it in our lives. I had an unexpectedly cheeky night when I ventured out into a frigid January evening that I’ve become accustomed to, yet detest nonetheless.
Feature Friday - Kimura Byol Lemoine
kimura byol lemoine (키무라 별 르뫈 – 木村 ビヨル レムワンー) is a conceptual multimedia feminist artist who works on identities (diaspora, ethnicity, colorism, post-colonialism, immigration, gender), and expresses it with calligraphy, paintings, digital images, poems, videos and collaborations.
McSweeney’s List (12 February 2025)
Author Tom Robbins died this past Sunday. No, not the actor, that's Tim Robbins. I'm talking about Tom, the author of a bunch of great books including Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (skip the movie), Another Roadside Attraction, and Half Asleep in Frog Pyjamas, the only novel I've ever read that's written in second person.
Alice in 24 At The Mainline Theatre
When I walked into the Mainland Theatre, I wasn’t expecting a long line of people waiting to check in. Yet, there I was, standing on the narrow stairs as groups of people came in.