Feature Friday - Tachie Menson
Nia Blankson, now under the new moniker Tachie Menson, is a multi-instrumentalist and inter-disciplinary creative hailing from London, England and currently splitting her time between Queens, New York and Montreal, Canada.
McSweeney’s List (5 February 2025)
A therapist once told me that I don't have to answer every question someone asks me. It threw me off. But I don't have anything to hide, I said, my face scrunching up like when I try to do math.
Chuggo’s Top 10 Pioneers of Canadian Hip Hop (Who Aren’t White)
Chuggo Freeman breaks down the evolution of Canadian Hip Hop 1988- 2000 B.D ( Before Drake ) with this Top 10 Video Countdown.
TSC’s Sunday Night Improv
The atmosphere was reminiscent of a high school play, or at least that’s what my date leaned over to whisper into my ear as the lights dimmed. With its knots of young people huddled in their respective corners and coats hung up on wooden pegs near the stage, in a way I did feel transported back to high school, the fun part where I joked around with my friends in the stage wings before a production.
Feature Friday - Sarah Wolfson
Sarah Wolfson is the author of A Common Name for Everything, which won the 2020 A.M. Klein Prize for Poetry from the Quebec Writers’ Federation.
McSweeney’s List (29 January 2025)
The motto of 2025 is, “in this economy?!” Granted, when said jokingly, it never gets old (“I'm falling in love” “in this economy?”), but it keeps coming up non-ironically in more and more rooms, with a growing tone of desperation.
Théâtre Sainte-Catherine
During a long, lazy, blazing-hot summer day on school break, a group of neighborhood kids and I were shuffled off to a local library’s community room for my first-ever improv workshop.
Feature Friday - Carmina Berbari Daou
Carmina Berbari Daou is a Lebanese interdisciplinary artist and comedian and a staple of Montreal’s queer stand-up scene. You know her from Montreal Sketchfest, Montreal Fringe, Commicon, Ladyfest, the Minifest and the Bordel Comedie Club’s Gong Show.
McSweeney’s List (22 January 2025)
This past Monday was Blue Monday, the most depressing-est day of the year. The mid-winter blah-day, the point in winter when even those without seasonal affective disorder start to feel the weight of the long winter.
McSweeney’s List (15 January 2025)
When we're young, we fantasize about our futures. The younger we are, the fewer constraints we place on the potential of the Universe, and ourselves.