
Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (11 December 2024)

Now that the city looks like a Hallmark movie, Christmas feels imminent. Sure, it was running on time and would've arrived regardless, but now it really feels like we have 13 shopping days until Christmas.

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Sarra Mirghani Sarra Mirghani

Verdun's Pulp Books & Cafe

If you’ve been in Montreal for a while, you probably noticed that the neighborhood of Verdun has undergone quite the transformation over the past couple of years.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

We Wish you A Sleazy Christmas

Sleazy Christmas is back! Dawn McSweeney takes you behind the scenes of this unique holiday fundraiser for Forget The Box, revealing the inspiration, the lineup, and Andrew Jamieson's surprising love for all things Christmas. Support local art and have a laugh this holiday season!

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s LIst (4 December 2024)

Consider this a warning that today I'd like to talk about one of those controversial subjects you aren't supposed to discuss at dinner tables. It's an often triggering topic, something either yelled or whispered with few in betweens, so I'm just going to talk about it from my point of view without any agenda. 

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Maya Farres Maya Farres

Cutting Through the Noise: Blue Dog Motel

Behind the unassuming vintage swivel chairs, and the classic blue and red swirling pole of a barber shop lies the long bar, dance floor, and carefully placed stage of the Blue Dog Motel.

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Feature Friday Team Feature Friday Team

Feature Friday (29 November 2024)

TGIF! This week's Feature Friday is a vibrant cocktail of creative talent, shaking up your weekend with laughter, music, poetry, and prose.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (27 November 2024)

Let's talk about the local art community, shall we? By definition, we at Forget The Box participate in, support, and downright love the arts. Every editor and contributor here is an artist in their vein, part of the very scene they're writing about.

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Candice Ann Candice Ann

McSway Poetry Collective

Street lamps gleamed against turning trees; juicy oranges, crisp reds, and mellow yellows, on the cusp of tumbling from their branches in the late October chill. I headed to Mcsway Poetry Collective’s Halloween open mic, hosted at the ever-so-cozy community hub, The Yellow Door.

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Feature Friday Team Feature Friday Team

Feature Friday (22 November 2024)

Forget The Box is thrilled to deliver another electrifying edition of Feature Friday, your weekly dose of Montreal's most captivating artists! This week, we're turning up the volume with a vibrant mix of comedy, music, poetry, and visual art.

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