McSweeney’s List (4 September 2024)
One of the things I dig about social media, is that for the first time in human history, elders can drop their perspective and advice to the younger generations at large.
Ladyfest 2024 Preview
While the aisles are already jammed with Halloween bric à brac, I'm here to remind you that summer's still on and the festivals are still coming! Forget pumpkin spice, I suggest we change the name of this in-between space to Ladyfest Season!
McSweeney’s List (28 August 2024)
Recently, tragedy befell a friend of mine. It was the kind of occurrence that leaves you gasping and touching your heart, thinking there but for the grace of God go I, or perhaps of all the dice in this Universe, that might've been my roll, whichever you prefer. But this isn't about her dice or her sadness: this is about what happened next.
Frenchy and The Wiggle Room - An Icon and A Safe Space
Up a short flight of stairs, above Boulevard Saint Laurent, is one of the city’s top venues. From the outside, the only signage is plain black, but inside hides a true cabaret theatre.
McSweeney’s LIst (21 August 2024)
This past weekend marked the last On The Boulevard for a minute. For those of you who don't know (I mean, who reads this and doesn't know?), OTB was the multidisciplinary showcase we’ve been running every other Sunday.
On The Edge Of Uncertainty - The Future Of Arts Funding
With the summer now in full swing, it may feel as though perhaps the winds of change are finally sweeping through the arts in Montreal.
McSweeney’s List (14 August 2024)
If you think you’re enlightened, the saying goes, go spend time with your family. Obviously it will take a different length of time for each person to get caught in their egos. If you do it consciously enough though, you can clock the moment you slip into the battles you left behind but were apparently just on pause all these years.
Open Air Laughs - Comedy in NDG Park
I don't want to evoke memories of those bleak times a few years ago when we couldn't gather and have fun, but that's where this story begins.
McSweeney’s List (7 August 2024)
Y’all were so supportive and patient while I was apartment hunting and packing (and stressing so hard), that you deserve an update.
McSweeney’s List (31 July 2024)
In some ways, we live in a world of over-emotionality. We want to tell our coworkers and bosses about how we feel, and what they said that offended us…and that's probably for the best.