
Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (22 November, 2023)

Age is more than a number. I know, I know, that's contrary and awful, but I've given this a lot of thought over many (many) years. That's the crux of the matter of course: my perspective has been forged in the fires of time and self aware experience. So gather round the flames, Young’Uns, and take a moment to listen to your Elder.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

CDAH - Creating A Hub For Everyone

The world is expanding faster than our brains ever prepared for. Not in a one-and-done way where we might catch up, but with momentum. Social media struggles to keep us connected, fundamentally scattering us further, drowning us in a cacophony of dispute and marketing.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (15 November, 2023)

There’s something about humans that makes us love the sound of our own voices. Not that we all enjoy speaking per se, but given the opportunity to shout into a cave or canyon, most will. We enjoy the way our echo floats back to us.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (8 November, 2023)

So many of the most profound words of wisdom are frustratingly simple. Phrases like be yourself make us roll our eyes despite being solid advice for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the lack of how.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

Encore Poetry Project - The Poetics of Community

NDG is in my blood. Yes, I've lived in a lot of places, and yes, I'm currently pretending I've always lived in the Plateau, but NDG is where my core history happened. My pre-school still stands there, though my first elementary school closed long ago.

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Ted Yates Ted Yates

Encore Books and Records - Community First

On Sherbrooke street near the corner of Harvard, in the heart of NDG, sits Encore Books and Records. Well known to locals – and to fans of literature and music throughout the city – Encore has been a fixture of the community for twenty-four years.

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Andrew Jamieson Andrew Jamieson

Becoming A Star - “The Sweetest Pea” Kristara

For those close to me, it’s a well-documented fact that I am a massive pro wrestling fan. I believe my friends are mostly happy to let me have my obsession, as long as I’m not forcing it upon them. Many acquaintances, however, are surprised by this when I drop it into conversation.

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Arcana Shanks Arcana Shanks

The Painters Visual Album - A Multimedia Kaleidoscope

If you know me, then you know that artistic collaboration across mediums is my bread and butter. Very few things get me hyped up like seeing the words “genre-bending” or “multi-media kaleidoscope” on an event poster, so you can bet that when I read those exact terms on the announcement for The Painters’ art film screening I was chomping at the bit to be there.

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Dawn McSweeney Dawn McSweeney

McSweeney’s List (25 October, 2023)

He asked me if my husband liked sports, and I said he didn't, she told me. She isn't married though, never was, has no inclination to be. It's so cute that he doesn't know I'm a nightmare, and thinks I could be married like a normal person.

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