Behind The Curtain (1 September, 2023)
Saying that politics is theatre is at the same time true, a cliche, cynical, and not even close to a complete picture. It’s really more of a multidisciplinary art form with real-world ramifications.
The Music of Avery Jane
Avery Jane writes songs about You. Sometimes they're written to herself in the second person, lately a lot are speaking to her boyfriend and current musical partner, while others are written to an anonymous figure.
McSweeney’s List (30 August, 2023)
Years ago I loaned a friend a chunk of money. All chunks being relative, it was an amount with more digits than I was comfortable with, one that I was in a rare (and temporary) position to have on hand.
Behind The Curtain (25 August, 2023)
I’m starting to panic. It’s the last day of school and I know that I haven’t done the work in several classes. Should I avoid them? Try to take the exams anyways? Can I get my money back this late in the semester if I never went to class?
Here’s To The Ladies Who Laugh - Ladyfest 2023
On September 4th, 2015, three intrepid women in Montreal’s comedy scene launched the first edition of Ladyfest. Organized by Erin Hall, Katie Leggitt, and Lar Vi, the comedy festival ran for three days at Theatre Sainte-Catherine.
McSweeney’s List (23 August, 2023)
I'm a walker. I mean, I understand that doesn't sound meaningful, but I'm incapable of wheeled things, and too scared to deal with mechanical ones. Where possible I'd rather walk than wait for transit (waiting is awful), and I enjoy the people watching, flower smelling, and random cat petting it affords me.
Behind The Curtain (18 August, 2023)
Just after 6am on a random Tuesday in the spring of 2014, I exited the first Orange Line Metro of the day at De la Concorde Station in Laval. It didn’t take long to find who I was looking for. No one was there except for the people hanging around the multi-seat van.
McSweeney’s List (16 August, 2023)
I think about pickles: I can buy whichever ones I want, whenever I want. I can spring for the expensive ones. I have pickled green beans, and I'm adding pickled asparagus to the grocery list as I write this.
Behind The Curtain (11 August, 2023)
It was a winding concrete orgy of overpasses and underpasses. Treacherous and sketchy for pedestrians, confusing for motorists, and ultimately pointless for everyone.
McSweeney’s List (9 August, 2023)
DISCLAIMER: I have recently, upon an excellent recommendation, purchased a pair of Blundstones. This has, admittedly, influenced the piece you are about to read.