It’s About Community - Fringe Patrons
Lucy Gervais catches up with FringeMTL patrons to discuss this year’s festival, previous festivals, and the community spirit of Fringe.
McSweeney’s List (14 June, 2023)
This week, Dawn discusses the feelings of safety in the Plateau, and warm city nights, along with details for some great FringeMTL events, an all-female (and over 40) comedy show, and our ongoing Indiegogo campaign.
Behind The Curtain (9 June, 2023)
New York City’s air turned orange, obscuring the view of Manhattan from Brooklyn, and causing the photosensitive street lights in Central Park to turn on at 2pm. Ottawa and Toronto residents hunkering down on an otherwise fine summer day to avoid breathing the hazardous atmosphere.
Unholy Union - Words, Witchcraft, and Camp
The strangest book launch I have ever had the privilege to attend was tucked away in Casa del Popolo’s showroom. The intimate venue rippled with energy throughout the spectacle as performers created a world teeming with magic and sensation.