Winterlewd 2025
Montreal's vibrant queer comedy scene is bursting forth from the winter doldrums with the second annual Winterlewd festival. Building on the success of its inaugural year, Winterlewd 2025 expands its reach with a focus on inclusivity, collaboration, and showcasing the diverse talents within the LGBTQ+ community.
Nuit Blanche 2025
Montreal’s Nuit Blanche has been a part of our city winters for over 20 years. It was established on the heels of its Parisian predecessor in 2003 as a vital part of Montreal en Lumière.
The Cost of Living at Aux Angles Ronds
I like cheeky theater. I think we can use a little more of it in our lives. I had an unexpectedly cheeky night when I ventured out into a frigid January evening that I’ve become accustomed to, yet detest nonetheless.
Alice in 24 At The Mainline Theatre
When I walked into the Mainland Theatre, I wasn’t expecting a long line of people waiting to check in. Yet, there I was, standing on the narrow stairs as groups of people came in.
Bareoke at Café Cléo
Docking my Bixi at the corner of St. Laurent and St. Catherine, I weave through the shiny new CIBL radio station and dodge the long line outside Club Soda. The air smells faintly of grilled meat and poutine from Pool Hall, and I jaywalk across the street toward the door of Café Cléopâtre.
Change It Up
Forget The Box, as it currently exists, is a testament to the necessity of change. When I resurrected this publication in 2023, it wasn't a mere dusting off of archives, but a full-fledged reinvention.
Verdun's Pulp Books & Cafe
If you’ve been in Montreal for a while, you probably noticed that the neighborhood of Verdun has undergone quite the transformation over the past couple of years.
Cutting Through the Noise: Blue Dog Motel
Behind the unassuming vintage swivel chairs, and the classic blue and red swirling pole of a barber shop lies the long bar, dance floor, and carefully placed stage of the Blue Dog Motel.
Cultivating Montreal’s Vibrant Street Art and Graffiti Scene
In the heart of Montreal’s vibrant art scene, there’s a place that has quietly yet powerfully shaped the city’s culture and given local artists a home.
Is It Just Me, or Is the World Getting Crazier?
"I want to talk to you about life. It’s just too difficult to be alive, isn’t it, and try to function? There are all these people to deal with." These words, lingering in the air like smoke in the intimate space of Variations Mile End, begin Christopher Durang's Laughing Wild.