McSweeney’s List (26 February 2025)

He asked me how I’m still single, so I showed him my comedy.
— Dawn McSweeney

“People like personal stories. It's time to talk about your comedy journey,” Andrew said; and he said it so confidently -- comedy journey -- like I'm really doing something, going somewhere. I felt fraudulent immediately, as though I'd padded my resume, and now had to prove it. It's not a new feeling, and I know the things he would've said had I articulated that, because well, he's had to tell me a few times. Thank heavens for my support system. Somehow I've been blessed with a crew who often has more faith in me than I do in myself. It's mutual, of course; I have talented, shiny, wonderful friends. But I digress.

So, I've always been a comedy nerd, but I had no idea to what extent. It didn't seem weird to me that my dad helped me understand Monty Python, or sort out public affairs that confused me on Dennis Miller’s Weekend Update. I never truly grasped that other children didn't get to laugh at Letterman’s late show with their fathers. Shenanigans aside, (some of which hit and some of which didn't), he had legends like Stephen Wright and Richard Lewis doing sets. I remember Phyllis Diller on Carson's couch, and the realization that if I grew into her, I would be very satisfied.

But I was never the class clown. Sure, I always made people laugh. I enjoyed it. I liked to flex my wit. But everyone can make people laugh, right? At first, I was going to be an actress; a serious actress. Soon after, it was writing; serious writing. See where I'm going here? By high school, I was writing poetry about love and death, because didn't everyone? I was deep, see, and everyone had to know it. In fact, it was a family tradition that when I wrote mother's day and birthday cards, they were so poignant, that my mother cried. I had to keep upping it, afraid I wouldn't get the same reaction. It happened so often, that as soon as she would start to cry reading the card, she would laugh. 

Fast forward: still a comedy nerd, and still very deep. I squeezed 2 deaths into my first novel, with each of my unfinished manuscripts boasting substantial body counts. Because there's nothing as serious and final, and if I cry while writing it, I hope the reader cries reading it. Given any opportunity that looked like a spotlight, I would write something designed to make people cry tears, or happy tears, and if they were already crying for some reason then I had to make them laugh. I've done two eulogies, and I've gotten laughs at both. (Tough crowds *tugs at my tie like Dangerfield*.) I've been bragging ever since, and I didn't want anyone else to die for me to get some more mic time.

Thankfully, Andrew also enjoys the spotlight, and he and I are hi-larious together, so I got some co-hosting gigs without any associated morbidity. Man, those laughs are addictive. When I had the opportunity to attend a stand-up comedy workshop, I jumped at it, because saying yes always makes for a more interesting life. Would I just do the classes, and the show, and call it a day, proud to have tried? Do real comics come out of workshops? I had to see. 

It was part writing worksop, part stagecraft workshop, really. Loving both writing and attention, I felt at home. It turns out writing to make people laugh is fun! I mean, I try to throw humour into these essays, but that's often to lighten the mood because so many are soooo very serious (rolls eyes at self, squirts water from a flower). As much as I endeavor to always write from an authentic place in my truest voice, the funny bits are how I usually sound hanging with my friends. 

I did the workshop, and the show, and I loved it (of course!). I was eager to tell everyone, especially my comedy friends. Most were supportive, some over the moon, and one cynical comedian simply smiled and told me it was all downhill from there, and I'd be stuck chasing the dragon. Thanks, buddy. Weeks later, when I told him I'd bombed at Grumpy’s, he smiled and shook my hand. I was moving on up.

But to where? I'm not trying to move to Austin, and I don't expect to make a living from this, let alone build an empire. (Yes, I can hear my friend saying it's all possible as I write this. Some have glorious faith in me. But let's take it down a notch and just enjoy this thing.)

I'm not grinding like my life depends on it, and I understand career oriented comics do it differently. I was caught off guard though, when an open-micer got bitter I was invited somewhere he wasn't. It's not my first instinct to think in zero sum terms, to feel like someone's success means my failure. I don't think anyone's ever gotten bitter about my writing; well, I've certainly caught side-eye from people who weren't accepted into Concordia's Creative Writing Program, but that's not my problem. I'm damn good at writing; I love writing. I’m arguably immune to pettiness, but when a comedian got petty with me, I was confused; was I perceived as a threat? I didn't know if I should be flattered or insulted, but I made a mental note that this might happen again. It did, of course, (unfortunately, inevitably). While I've been welcomed and encouraged by loads of male comics, it bears noting that only male comics have gotten weird with me about gigs they felt they deserved over me. Don't even get me started on the time a more seasoned male comic found out he and I had been paid the same for a show… Even a small amount of stage time will flush out the insecure, apparently.

So what's my point here? 

Do the stuff that moves you, even if you feel too old to start. It's been liberating in ways I didn't imagine: I post more jokes on social media, and I'm more willing to try jokes that might fail. It's my right. It's what I do! 

Don't try to pre-plan where it all goes; we make plans and God laughs, so why worry about it? Do the damn thing. I've heard comedians say they were careful to say they “did comedy” until they were professional comedians (sustaining on comedy alone), and then they took the title Comedian. I've had people ask me if I was a comedian and floundered, excusing myself, trying to explain that I'd done a little, hemming and hawing. During one of these stutter-fests, a comedian friend looked me right in the eye, and told me, and the person asking that I am, in fact, a comedian. I'm still practicing, trying to connect those brain dots, and not fumble in a pinch. It feels like a whole new hat in my wardrobe, and a new adventure in progress. 

You can't wait for perfection to start anything; in fact, you have to start to realize that perfection doesn't exist, and it's not what anyone wants anyway. Go out there, and make a mess with all those paints you keep inside. It's the only way to see what a masterpiece you become in the process.

Clowning around

Join us in celebrating the graduating class of Good Trouble: Intro to Clown, at their "Class Clown" grad show!

Clowns need their audience - we cannot do this work without you! Invite your friends and see these amazing clowns sprinkle their magic after 6 weeks of creativity, vulnerability and connection. Hosted and directed by teacher, Melissa G. and featuring the students of Good Trouble getting into a lot of mischief and diving into play!


This show will be held in English.
NDQ is not a physically accessible space.

WHAT: Class Clown: A Good Trouble Grad Show

WHERE: Notre Dame des Quilles (NDQ), 32 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H2S 1P8

WHEN: Wednesday, February 26 @ 8 PM

METRO: Beaubien (Orange)

DETAILS: Facebook

Words Without Borders

Would you like to explore literature from around the world? This bookclub will select and discuss titles that have been translated from a variety of languages into English. After each meeting, we will collectively decide on the next book.  

This February, we will be reading Ingeborg Bachmann's Malina. In Malina, originally published in German in 1971, Ingeborg Bachmann invites the reader into a world stretched to the very limits of language. An unnamed narrator, a writer in Vienna, is torn between two men. Viewed through the tilting prism of obsession, she travels further into her own madness, anxiety, and genius. Malina explores love, “deathstyles,” the roots of fascism, and passion.

“Fascism is the first thing in the relationship between a man and a woman, and I attempted to say that here in this society there is always war. There isn’t war and peace, there’s only war." - Ingeborg Bachmann

Everyone is welcome to this meeting for open discourse about translation and world literature! 

WHAT: Literature in Translation Book Club 

WHERE: Argo Bookshop, 1837 Ste. Catherine St. W., Montreal, H3H 1M2

WHEN: Thursday, February 27 @ 7 PM

METRO: Atwater (Green)

DETAILS: Facebook

Show Up, Sign Up

Catch local pros, and first timers sharing the stage at this cozy, friendly, cafe show! The audience is hot, the folks are funny, and the menu is lit! Get lovingly brewed coffees, fresh sandwiches, and decadent pastries! Free entry, laughs guaranteed. Hosted by Erik Intervado.

WHAT: Laugh Knights presents Café Eevee Open Mic

WHERE: Café Eevee, 1251 Saint Zotique St., Montreal, H2S 1N8

WHEN: Friday, February 28, Sign-up @ 7 PM, Show @ 8 PM

METRO: Beaubien (Orange)

RSVP: Eventbrite 

writers in the wild

Following on the success of Writers' Rooms #1 and #2, in August and December 2024, announcing the first such gatherings of 2025: WRITERS' ROOM #3.

Come and be in a room with other writers.

Same as all the other Writers' Rooms: No readings, no cover charge, no books for sale. Just poets, critics, fiction writers, novelists, cartoonists, literary translators, "creative non-fiction" freaks, playwrights, screenwriters, writing students, etc, gathered together under one roof.

Meet people you've read, people you'll one day read, other people who sit like you and try to put words in order.

Please note: there are no scheduled activities at this event, it is just a room with writers!

Feel welcome to bring a writer friend with you!

Écrivain•e•s français•e•s, soyez bienvenu•e•s aussi.

BYOB + snacks to share (nothing will be for sale)

Hosted by Sean Michaels on behalf of the Writers' Union of Canada.

WHAT: Writer’s Room #3

WHERE: Le Dépanneur Café, 206 Rue Bernard O, Montréal, QC H2T 2K4

WHEN: Friday, February 28 @ 7 PM

METRO: Outremont (Blue)

DETAILS: Facebook

Taste The Rainbow

Even though I'm an omnivore, I was recently lamenting the state of vegetarian and vegan cuisine in Montreal. In my limited travels, and vast Google searching, I've noticed that other cities integrate these options seamlessly, while Montreal, with its inclination towards division, keeps the meat eaters and the tree huggers separated. This is the perfect event to taste the options, and remember that you don't have to be vegan to enjoy vegan things. 

(Vegans, you know you’ll love this, so I'm not gonna press you, I'm just giving you info.)

This is a free event, with free tasting, so you can explore the flavors, and then buy your favorite goodies to bring home!!!

WHAT: Gourmet Food Event presented by VIME Délicieuse

WHERE: 5125 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, H4A 1T2

WHEN: Saturday, March 1 @ 11 AM - 2 PM

METRO: Vendôme (Orange)

RSVP: Eventbrite


Opening Night Event for Anme Magazine's Art Exhibition.

Featuring local podcasts & Divorced Kid Blues

Art by katerine_dm plus Merch Tables - and a few more local artists will have tables set up with various goodies like books, prints and T-shirts!

Entry is free!
Free Wine! (18+ and limited quantities!)
Food will be available for purchase

Local DJ CVSTRO will be keeping it groovy with classic house tunes!

WHAT: Opening Night Event for Anme Magazine's Art Exhibition

WHERE: Café Grain d'Or Papineau, 3535 Av. Papineau local 9, Montréal, QC H2K 4J9

WHEN: Saturday, March 1 @ 7 PM

METRO: Sherbrooke (Orange)


Nuit Blanche

What's that? Oh, it's the sound of spring sneaking up! Which means it's time for Nuit Blanche!!!

PHI invites you to a brand-new edition of Nuit blanche! This year, get ready for an electrifying night with the theme POP!. Expect infectious beats, artistic performances, and surprise pop-ups! Raphë and guests will have installations as well as performances, Rosario Caméléon will be live, with DJ sets by LaFHomme, JASHIM, Uñas, and TEYKIRISI, and visuals by VIOV Studios. 

Free entry!

WHAT: Nuit Blanche | La Nuit POP

WHERE: PHI Centre, 407 St. Pierre St., Montreal, H2Y 2M3

WHEN: Saturday, March 1 @ 9 PM

METRO: Square Victoria-OACI (Orange)


Check out some of the other Nuit Blanche offerings in DJ Fraser’s article here!


Quist is the new online literary magazine from the Quebec Writers’ Federation, and they're looking for submissions! They're on the hunt for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, hybrid work, comics, and graphic storytelling from Quebec artists between the ages of 14 and 21. Quist aims to showcase young writers with bold voices and fresh perspectives. They particularly welcome submissions by youth from diverse backgrounds, including BIPOC writers, LGBTQIA+ writers, those experiencing poverty and/or homelessness, writers for whom English is not their first language, as well as disabled and neurodivergent writers.

Get your stuff seen, and get $75 if your work is chosen! It's bragging rights, and a bonus, so get your submissions in now!

Submissions are open until March 15.

Details and guidelines at Quist Lit.

World's Smallest Week

World’s Smallest Comedy Night has so many cool things happening, we’re giving them a whole section! Let's do this in order of appearance, shall we?


What Do You Know? Like, Seriously…

Tonight! Come to Hurley's for Trivia Night, and get bonus laughter! Put your knowledge to the test! Whether you're a history buff, a pop culture guru, or a sports fanatic, there's something for everyone. Grab a pint, enjoy delicious pub fare, and get ready to show off your trivia skills. Grab your team, and enjoy this night of comedy, friendly competition, and great company. Hosted by Vance Michel, featuring Jonathan Burello, Miguel McKenna, and Arthur Sim Jr.

WHAT: Trivia Night at Hurley's 

WHERE: Hurley's Irish Pub, 1225 Crescent St., Montreal, H3G 2B1

WHEN: Every Wednesday @ 8 PM

METRO: Lucien l'Allier (Orange) & Guy-Concordia (Green)

RSVP: Eventbrite


Friday Jr.

Thursday, head West for more killer comedy!

Welcome to the Rustik Comedy Night!

Get ready to laugh your socks off at Rustik Pub & Grill!

Montreal's most talented comedians and touring pros hit the stage at the legendary local haunt, Rustik. Make your East-side friends come to your part of town for a change, or come explore the NDG for yourself! It's a chill and hilarious night every time. 

This week, Troy Stark hosts a killer lineup featuring Joanna Selvarajah, Nazeer Khan, Guled Abdi, and Elspeth Wright, with headliner Chris Venditto.

Grab your tickets now and save a few bucks: $15 in advance, $20 at the door.

WHAT: Rustik Comedy

WHERE: Rustik Pub & Grill, 5621 Sherbrooke St. W., Montreal, H4A 1W4

WHEN: Thursday, February 13, Doors @ 7 PM

METRO: Vendôme (Orange)

TICKETS: Eventbrite


Classic Coke

Beat the Monday Blues with WSC’s OG offering, The World's Smallest Comedy Night!

Enjoy a showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, national and international touring comics, and surprises! Hosted by Vance Michel, this week’s lineup features Gowthaman Kasy, Jeffrey Weinstein, Dan Kestler D'Amours, Jason Houle, Matthew Bourjeli, CJ Monais, Maya Ka, and James Mancini.

WHAT: The World's Smallest Comedy Night 

WHERE: Hurley's Irish Pub, 1225 Crescent St., Montreal, H3G 2B1

WHEN: Every Monday @ 8 PM

METRO: Lucien l'Allier (Orange) & Guy-Concordia (Green)

TICKETS: Eventbrite


Dirty Monday

The Monday Night Dirty Mic is the best uncensored open mic in town. Hosted by Vance Michel, every show is an unpredictable and unique experience as a hilarious collection of comedians from newbs to pros take the stage. See the best before anyone else, and catch seasoned locals doing their freshest funnies! 

Comics: show-up, sign-up!

WHAT: Monday Night Dirty Mic

WHERE: Hurley's Irish Pub, 1225 Crescent St., Montreal, H3G 2B1

WHEN: Every Monday, Sign-up @ 1020 PM, Show @ 1030 PM

METRO: Lucien l'Allier (Orange) & Guy-Concordia (Green)

RSVP: Eventbrite

McSweeney’s List drops every Wednesday with the best events, workshops, and more, each week in Montreal!


Feature Friday - Tara McGowan-Ross


Nuit Blanche 2025